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Root Canal

John D. Michalak, DMD

General Dentist located in Branford, CT

If you’re living with chronic tooth pain as the result of a cavity or tooth injury, Dr. John D. Michalak may be able to save your natural tooth using a root canal treatment. At his Branford, Connecticut, dental practice, Dr. Michalak offers in-office root canals for your convenience, to relieve pain and eliminate infection. He also offers nitrous oxide to ensure you relax and remain comfortable throughout the procedure. To learn more about the benefits of a root canal, schedule an appointment online or by phone.

Root Canal Q & A

What is a root canal?

A root canal is a treatment Dr. Michalak uses to relieve pain caused by inflammation and infection in the root of a tooth. He uses this procedure to save your natural tooth rather than having to extract it.

Dr. Michalak may recommend a root canal to treat infections as the result of:

  • Deep cavities
  • Dental injury
  • Fractured or cracked tooth

If you don’t seek treatment immediately for these issues, the surrounding tissue can become infected. This infection causes swelling and pain. If an abscess forms inside your tooth or in the bone around the root of your tooth, you can be at increased risk for losing your tooth and for serious medical issues.

What can I expect during a root canal procedure?

If you have an active infection, Dr. Michalak may recommend a course of antibiotics to treat the infection and elimination inflammation before he performs the root canal.

During the procedure, Dr. Michalak makes an opening in the top of your tooth and removes the pulp from inside. This pulp contains tissue, blood vessels, and nerves that assist in the growth of your teeth. He also thoroughly cleans and disinfects the area before filling it with a temporary dental seal to keep out debris and prevent additional infection.

To ensure you are comfortable, Dr. Michalak uses a local anesthetic prior to the procedure. If you are especially anxious about a root canal procedure, he can use nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, to further relax you.

What can I expect after a root canal?

You may feel increased sensitivity in the area around the treated tooth for several days. Dr. Michalak may recommend over-the-counter or prescription medications to relieve any pain. He may also prescribe antibiotics to ensure your infection clears up completely.

Dr. Michalak schedules a follow-up appointment to remove the temporary seal. He replaces it with a permanent filling or a crown to protect your tooth for the long term.

Once the permanent filling is in place, you can expect it to last for many years with good oral hygiene.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Michalak, book an appointment online or by phone.